Food Waste Morphs Into an Addictive Crispy Snack
You’ve done all your prep work, and now you have a rather large pile of root vegetable scraps—ends, leaves, peelings, and small pieces. Instead of tossing them as food waste, what about roasting them in the oven for a crispy snack?
Toss your scraps with a little oil, season, and with the magic of the oven, what was once food waste, has now morphed into an addictive crispy snack.
Almost any root or low-moisture veggie trimmings will work: think carrot or parsnip peelings, beets, the ends of celeriac, yucca trimmings, turnips, taro, all potatoes, even leftover leaves like kale, Brussels sprout leaves, cabbage, or cauliflower jackets!
Get creative and add tahini, lemon, and garlic to kale; cinnamon, cayenne, and salt & pepper to carrots or sweet potatoes; garlic to brussels sprout leaves, or go simple with just salt and let the oven work its magic and turn cabbage leaves into crispy goodness.
They are crispy, salty, and sweet.
Serve with your favorite dip, but they are good enough to eat by themselves.

Find out more details about our UBU program, and how we are shining a spotlight on food waste, while making value and food safety a priority.
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The Produce for Better Health (PBH) Foundation recognized FreshPoint for their prestigious Role Model Award. The annual award recognizes public and private organizations for outstanding efforts in increasing the visibility, recognition and impact of the “Fruits & Veggies—More Matters” national health campaign. To learn more, visit www.FruitsandVeggiesMoreMatters.org.
FreshPoint has also taken the pledge to Eat by Example from the PMA. Have you signed up yet? www.pma.com/eatingbyexample